3 Year Bachelor Degree Programs Online

3 Year Bachelor Degree Programs Online

A 3 year bachelor’s degree program online may be a good choice for those who wish to complete their education quickly. Some schools might offer these programs to help students complete necessary education to get into the workforce faster. Also known as an accelerated bachelor’s degree, a student may complete the necessary coursework to earn their degree within 3 years. Most often, a traditional bachelor’s degree takes 4 years to complete.

This is often a rigorous program. It typically requires a lot of focus and hard work to complete. Students do not necessarily learn less. They are typically taught the same level and type of information as a 4 year program. It is often condensed into just 3 years, though. For some, this may help them complete their studies faster.

What Are Accelerated Degree Programs?

An accelerated college degree is simply a program designed to be completed in 3 years instead of 4. Many bachelor’s degree programs often require 120 credit hours of study. This is spread across 4 years of education. How does all of that education get wrapped into a 3 year program?

Some schools may condense the education into a 3 year program by requiring a higher number of credits per semester. Others may incorporate summer studies in the program, reducing the overall length of time but creating a year-round schedule. Some may offer an internship as a way to make up some of the credit or education. Work experience may also play a role.

Another way to achieve this could be through early start programs. In some areas, high school students may earn college credit for the higher level courses they take. These transfer credits from high school may help to meet some of the curriculum credit hours necessary to earn a degree. Often, this type of program is done with the support of a community college. Students may take one or two courses in at a local community college while in high school. Other times, students may take these courses through advanced placement (AP) programs. International Baccalaureate curriculum may also help some students qualify.

Adult learners may be able to apply for transfer credits, too. This may come from military service or previous education completed. The College Level Examination Program, or CLEP, may help some students test out of  programs.

Whenever possible, courses might be available online. This is not available fully for all bachelor’s degree programs. Some programs may still require in-person clinicals or labs. However, many programs may be completed fully online. Full time learning may allow students to earn this type of degree through online learning.

The goal is to help students earn their degree sooner. Yet, it is up to the student, the school, and the course selected to determine if that is possible.

How Quickly Can I Get a Bachelor’s Degree?

Most often, online bachelor’s degree programs take 3 years to complete. Online students may be able to speed this up somewhat if they have previous education and credit hours from coursework completed prior to enrollment. However, many programs take at least three years to complete.

Keep in mind that some career positions may require more than a bachelor’s degree. Some students may need to continue their education. That may include a master’s degree. Or, if a graduate degree is not enough, a PhD or doctoral degree may be another level of education. Each of these paths could require an additional two years to complete. Degree completion programs may range widely from one school to the next. Be sure to check into what is expected at the school you are considering.

Students who wish to take a part time path may not qualify for a bachelor’s degree at the accelerated level. That’s because a 3 year program tends to include more summer studies and longer classes. Some may require full time attendance. Others may offer more flexibility to meet student needs. A short term, eight-week course, for example, may require a larger number of study hours with limited time for completion.

Admission Requirements for a 3 Year Bachelor Degree Program Online

Admission into a 3 year program often starts with an application. Students often need a high school diploma or equivalent to enroll. Some programs have prerequisites. As a bachelor’s degree, this is less common, though.

Each school sets their own admission rules. Online degree completion programs may allow for transfer credits. Students with previous higher education studies should let the school know this. Some schools may also have specific grade point average requirements. It’s a good idea to compare several schools to determine if you meet all admission requirements. Look for these areas:

  • Minimum GPA requirements
  • Completion of all prerequisite courses, if any
  • Completion of application to the program
  • High school diploma or equivalent
  • Letters of recommendation

A student with an associate degree may wish to share that information with the school as well. It may help with transfer credits. Any higher education study may help students reduce the coursework they take during this program. Students with life experience may also want to report this information to the school. That may include working in the field.

Cost of 3 Year Bachelor Degree Program Online

The cost of a 3 year bachelor degree program typically differs between schools. Most often, attending school for a shorter amount of time reduces the costs paid. However, this depends on multiple factors.

Does an accelerated bachelor’s degree program cost less than a traditional four-year program?

Some accelerated programs may cost less. That is because they may require fewer credit hours. They may offer more flexible schedules for students. These programs often reduce the amount of time a student needs to complete courses. That sometimes means paying less.

Not all programs are less expensive, however. Some may cost the same if they maintain the same credit hour requirement.

Also consider the options in online education. Distance education may cost less as a whole. It requires a lot of hard work. Students may spend more time on their own with less teacher direction. Yet, the costs may be significantly lower.

One key concern may be financial aid. Financial aid may be available to those who qualify. However, it may also not be available. Some programs may be inaccessible if they do not meet specific requirements. Be sure to look into scholarships, too. Some may require enrollment in a 4 year program instead. That may impact costs for school, too.

Tuition rates differ between schools. Be sure to consider this alongside other qualifications for the school and program.

Choosing 3 Year Bachelors Degree Program Online

There’s a lot to think about when choosing a degree program. Start with accreditation. Be sure the school is accredited by any association in your field of study. This may be very important in areas such as nursing, for example. Not all bachelor’s degrees online have the same type of accreditation.

Think about the type of work desired. Consider the type of electives available. It may also help to choose coursework that’s interesting to you.

Also choose a delivery method. Online programs offer a range of options. This includes synchronous or asynchronous. Some programs may require students to follow along and meet deadlines throughout the year. Others may let students learn at their own pace with a target completion date. Either option may work for your situation but require a different type of learning. Invest a few minutes in comparing options in schools and programs based on this information.

Also think about the cost of tuition. Factor in the cost of books. Learning online could help reduce some costs related to living on campus or commuting to campus each day.

Most often, students should choose a bachelor’s degree program that fits with their long-term career goals. Learn as much as possible about the program. Also learn as much as possible about the school itself. Also think long term. Is an online master in your future? Look for a school that offers long term education goals after a bachelor’s degree, too.

Fast Online Degree Options

Prospective students should consider a wide range of opportunities available to them. Keep in mind these are just some examples to consider for enrollment in online bachelor’s degree programs. Prior college, professional studies, and general studies may help to make these programs more accessible to some.

Earning potential depends on many factors. College students should consider their location as well as the specific type of bachelor’s degree they take. Completing electives may change the course of some studies, too. Here is a look at some examples for prospective students. Some programs offer fully online education. Others require online with some in person learning.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) offers some guidance on salary in these fields.

Business Administration Programs

A Bachelor of Business Administration is typically a versatile degree that may help students work in a range of fields after completion. Some may take courses to work in the area of human resource management. Others may focus on entrepreneurship or political science. The areas of study could be numerous. Many programs are a Bachelor of Arts and allow for fully online classes or distance learning.

Positions and 2020 median annual salary:

  • Political Scientist: $125,350 per the BLS
  • Sales Managers: $132,290 per the BLS

Organizational Leadership Programs

Organizational leadership may be an opportunity for students to learn about leadership. A bachelor’s degree here may incorporate various class options. That could include human resources, corporate communications, human resources behavioral science, and sociology. This type of education may also include computer science skills. This may help a student work as a corporate development manager or human resource manager.

Positions and 2020 median annual salary:

  • Human Resource Manager: $121,220 per the BLS
  • Corporate Executive: $107,680 per the BLS

Supply Chain Management Programs

Online schools often offer a bachelor’s degree in supply chain management. This field may incorporate online courses in areas of logistics, distribution, and transportation. Some programs may provide students with the ability to complete key certifications in their coursework. Students completing a program like this may work in positions such as operations manager, supply chain manager, or logistics manager.

Positions and 2020 median annual salary:

  • Distribution manager: $96,390 per the BLS
  • Logistics manager: $76,270 per the BLS

Early Childhood Education Programs

An early childhood program may allow a student to complete a Bachelor of Science to teach children at the preschool and lower levels. Those completing this program may be eligible to work in management and leadership positions with younger children. Some states may require early education students to complete an assessment or certification after completion of the program. Others may not require licensing. Students may study child development and psychology.

Positions and 2020 median annual salary:

  • Childcare center director: $49,160 per the BLS
  • Preschool teacher: $31,930 per the BLS

Computer Information Systems Programs

Technology is another area of interest for some. Earning a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Technology may be available. This type of program aims to enable students to learn about databases, computer hardware, security, and problem solving. Cybersecurity is another potential option for study. This type of program may allow students to work in many areas of technology. That includes development, management of systems, and research.

Positions and potential salary:

  • Computer programmer: $898,190 per the BLS
  • Computer systems analyst: $93,730 per the BLS

Law Enforcement Programs

Some bachelor’s degrees completed in 3 years may fall into the area of law enforcement. Criminal justice degrees may be completed online or in a hybrid format. Many times, these programs aim to support people currently working as a police officer to further their education. The focus is often public safety. That may include more study into social justice or law. Those working as an officer may wish to complete this degree online so they do not have to stop working.

Positions and potential salary:

  • Private investigator: $53,320 per the BLS
  • Corrections officer: $47,440 per the BLS

Liberal Arts Studies

For those who want to earn a Bachelor of Liberal Studies, that’s another potential option for a 3 year program. Students may be able to complete this online. Students may study the arts as well as areas such as humanities and social sciences. Some programs may include computer science in them. This may help students qualify for careers in areas such as journalist or policy analyst. The coursework selected might play a big role in determining the type of job a person qualifies for here. There may be ample versatility.

Positions and potential salary:

  • Reporter: $49,300 per the BLS
  • Radio announcer: $41,950 per the BLS

Health Sciences Studies

Choose a bachelor’s in health sciences to study a range of topics. That may include healthcare management. Healthcare administration may fit here, too. Some nursing programs might be available for completion in 3 years. Online colleges may also offer paths for students to advance existing nursing degrees. That may include earning a BSN. Some work in social work. Others in public health. Those with undergraduate degrees, such as an associates degree, may benefit, too.

Positions and potential salary:

  • Healthcare management: $104,280 per the BLS
  • Registered nurse: $75,330 per the BLS
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